Cody Free is now 10x better

Quinn Slack, Kevin Chen

Every month, Cody helps devs all over the world write millions of lines of code, helping you stay in flow, read and write code faster, and ultimately build amazing software.

We love seeing all the cool things you’re doing with Cody. But when we looked at our data, we saw a problem that we didn’t love: too many devs were regularly hitting the Cody Free usage limitations. Cody is a tool designed to help every dev, and we want to ensure that the free tier is more helpful to devs.

To do this, we’re changing the Cody Free tier to make it 10x better:

  • Unlimited code completions: We’re scrapping the limit on code completions. Every tier of Cody, including Cody Free, now gets unlimited AI-generated autocomplete
  • 10x more chats and commands: You now get 200 chats and commands every month, up from 20
  • Model choice: Cody Free users can now choose which model to use, including Mixtral, Gemini 1.5, Claude 3 Haiku, and Claude 3.5 Sonnet

Previously, Cody Free defaulted to Claude 3 Sonnet. We've updated the default to Claude 3.5 Sonnet, and we’re bringing the ability to hot-swap models from Cody Pro to free users, so you can choose the best models to fit your preferences. Whether you prefer a faster model or a larger, more capable model, Cody Free now has options for you.

This change is now live for all Cody users, including VS Code, JetBrains, and Cody web users. If you’re using Cody in your IDE, you can get these upgrades by updating to the latest extension version. If you don’t yet have Cody, you can get started today.

Want even more Cody?

If you try out Cody Free and decide you want even more, you can upgrade to Cody Pro for $9/user/month. The Pro tier gives you:

  • Unlimited chat and commands
  • The most expansive model choice with flagship models, including Claude 3 Opus and GPT-4o

Cody for Enterprise

If you're looking for a deployment that fits your enterprise's needs, our Cody Enterprise offering includes:

  • Remote context retrieval for your entire codebase
  • Universal support for code hosts like GitLab, GitHub, and Bitbucket
  • Support for BYO LLM key, Amazon Bedrock, and Azure OpenAI
  • Proven enterprise scale and security, including context filters, SSO, audit logs, and more

Get in touch to learn more about Cody Enterprise.

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Cody makes it easy to write, fix, and maintain code.